Day 9. Mary: Her Immaculate Conception


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“How would we have acted, if we could have chosen our own mother? I’m sure we would have chosen the one we have, adorning her with every possible grace. That is what Christ did. Christ being all‑powerful, all‑wise, Love itself, his power carried out his Will. . . . This is the clearest reason why our Lord granted his mother , from the very moment of her Immaculate Conception, all possible privileges. She was free from the power of Satan. She is beautiful, spotless and pure in soul and body.”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
The renewal of our baptismal vows.

Thank you for joining us in this novena in preparation for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception !

As we conclude the novena today, we share with you one last thought from St Josemaria to accompany you as you remain close to our Lady in preparation for the great feast of Christmas:

“When you see yourself with a dry heart, without knowing what to say, go with confidence to the Virgin Mary. Say to her, ‘My Mother Immaculate, intercede for me.’ If you invoke her with faith, she will make you taste in the midst of your dryness the proximity of God” (Furrow, no. 695).
If you enjoyed this novena, please remain with us during Advent as each Sunday we share the day’s Gospel, a reflection, anecdotes from the life of St Josemaria, and points for reflection and prayer.

Day 8. Mary's Prayer


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“Let us ask the Blessed Virgin to make us contemplatives, to teach us to recognize the constant calls from God at the door of our heart. Let us ask her now: Our Mother, you brought to earth Jesus, who reveals the love of our Father God. Help us to recognize him in the midst of the cares of each day. Stir up our mind and will so that we may listen to the voice of God, to the calls of grace.”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
A visit to Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Day 7. Mary: Our Hope


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“Our Lady, a full participant in the work of our salvation, follows in the footsteps of her Son: the poverty of Bethlehem, the everyday work of a hidden life in Nazareth, the manifestation of his divinity in Cana of Galilee, the tortures of his passion, the divine sacrifice on the cross, the eternal blessedness of paradise.

“All of this affects us directly, because this supernatural itinerary is the way we are to follow. Mary shows us that we can walk this path with confidence. She has preceded us on the way of imitating
Christ; her glorification is the firm hope of our own salvation. For these reasons we call her ‘our hope, cause of our joy.’”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
A smile when we do not feel like smiling.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Day 6. Mary: Her Faith


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“If our faith is weak, we should turn to Mary. St. John tells us that it was because of the miracle that Christ performed, at his mother ’s request, at the marriage feast at Cana, that ‘his disciples learned to believe in him.’ Our Mother is always interceding with her Son, so that he may attend to our needs and show himself to us in such a way that we can cry out, ‘You are the Son of God!’”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
The “Memorare” for the person in our family who most needs the help of our Lady.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Day 5. Mary: Her hidden life with Jesus


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“I like to go back in my imagination to the years Jesus spent close to his mother , years which span almost the whole of his life on earth. I like to picture him as a little child, cared for by Mary, who kisses him and plays with him. I like to see him growing up before the loving eyes of his mother and of Joseph, his father on earth. What tenderness and care Mary and the holy Patriarch must have shown toward Jesus, as they looked after him during his childhood, all the while, silently, learning so much from him. Their souls would become more and more like the soul of that Son, who was both man and God. This is why his mother , and after her St. Joseph, understand better than anyone the feelings of the heart of Christ; and the two of them are thus the best way, I would say the only way, to reach the Savior.”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
The effort of doing our ordinary work well, on time, with competence and finesse.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Day 4. Mary: Mother of Christ


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


Iesus Christus, Deus homo: Jesus Christ, God‑man. This is one of the ‘mighty works of God,’ which we should reflect upon and thank him for. He has come to bring ‘peace on earth to men of good will,’ to all who want to unite their wills to the holy will of God—not just the rich, not just the poor, but everyone: all the brethren. We are all brothers in Jesus, children of God, brothers of Christ. His mother is our mother .”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
Jesus himself, when we receive him in holy Communion.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at: