Day 6. Mary: Her Faith


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“If our faith is weak, we should turn to Mary. St. John tells us that it was because of the miracle that Christ performed, at his mother ’s request, at the marriage feast at Cana, that ‘his disciples learned to believe in him.’ Our Mother is always interceding with her Son, so that he may attend to our needs and show himself to us in such a way that we can cry out, ‘You are the Son of God!’”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
The “Memorare” for the person in our family who most needs the help of our Lady.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

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