Day 2. Mary's Family: The Trinity on Earth


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"


“It is only natural that the Church rejoice as it contemplates the modest home of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We read in the hymn from Matins on the feast of the holy Family: ‘It is pleasing to recall the humble house of Nazareth and its slender resources. It is pleasing to tell again in song Jesus’ hidden life. Jesus grows up in hidden seclusion, to be trained in Joseph’s unpretentious trade. The loving mother sits beside her dear Son, the good wife by her husband, content if her loving attention can ease and comfort them in their weariness.’”

Let us offer to our Mother today:
A loving review of her life with Jesus, as we recite the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception onDecember 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.
The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Day 1. Mary: The Mother of God


"I was moved by the heartfelt petition that came from your lips: 'My God, my only desire is to be pleasing in your sight; nothing else matters to me. My Mother Immaculate, may I be motivated exclusively by Love.'"



“When the Blessed Virgin said yes, freely, to the plans revealed to her by the Creator, the divine Word assumed a human nature—a rational soul and a body—which was formed in the most pure womb of Mary. The divine nature and the human were united in a single Person: Jesus Christ, true God and, thenceforth, true man; the only‑begotten and eternal Son of the Father and from that moment on, as man, the true Son of Mary. This is why our Lady is the mother of the Incarnate Word, of the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, who has united our human nature to himself for ever, without any confusion of the two natures. The greatest praise we can give to the Blessed Virgin is to address her loudly and clearly by the name that expresses her very highest dignity: ‘Mother of God’.”

Let us offer to our Mother today:

Brief but frequent prayers of love, such as: “Mother of God, your petitions are most powerful.”


The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a custom that flourished in the Church as a way of preparing for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

St Josemaria encouraged everyone to practice this devotion and to do so personally in whatever way they thought best. In addition to special prayers and readings, our devotion can also include a greater effort to keep up a constant conversation with our Lady and to put loving care into our prayer and daily tasks. During the novena we can also help our family members, friends and acquaintances to come closer to Jesus Christ through our Mother Mary.

For the nine days leading up to the feast day, we will be sharing with you daily readings and offerings to Mary we’ve selected from the Handbook of Prayers.

The readings and prayers for each day of the novena are also available at:

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

The feast of the Immaculate Conception falls on December 8. It is a custom to pray a novena in nine consecutive days, either from November 29 until the eve of the feast, or from November 30 until the feast day itself.

How well do you know about this Catholic teaching? Let's see if you can answer this sole question: who does the immaculate conception refer to? Is it to the conception of Jesus by our Virgin Mother Mary or is it the conception of the mother of Mother Mary, that is, St. Anne? For those who are not familiar, the Immaculate Conception refers to the Blessed Virgin, who was conceived by her mother, St. Anne. God the Father prepared the chosen mother for God the Son, so that  no stain of sin be associated.

For any questions, please send your queries to

So now we begin the novena by adopting the novena from the St. Josemaria Institute. Check out the next post. Thanks and see you again.